Friday 13 August 2021

1/3000th Italian Fleet for Find, Fix and Strike

I've decided to go with the Regia Marina for the Find, Fix and Strike project, with an initial selection of ships from the lead pile suitable for the 1939-40 timeframe of my project. Thee include the two modernised battleships, Guilio Cesare and Conti di Cavour, four heavy cruisers, Pola, Zara, Fiume and Gorizia, and four light cruisers Raimondo Montecuccioli, Muzio Attendolo, Duca D'Aosta and Eugenio, together with an escort of eight Navigatori class destroyers. The heavy and light cruisers all operated as distinct squadrons, while both Cesare and Cavour were the only battleships operational in June 1940. I will also assemble and magnet base some 1/600th scale Ro-43 floatplanes to use as spotter aircraft, as quite a few of the ships carried at least one of these for just that purpose, not having radar at the start of the war.  When this lot is painted and based I can move on to the other cruisers and battleships, as well as some land based aircraft for strike missions.