Wednesday 4 August 2021

Bolt Action Boy

A few years ago I got hold of some Warlord US Marines in a bid to re-boot my stalled 28mm Japanese army for Chain of Command. The idea was to have a US Marine platoon to re-focus the Japanese from Malaya to the Pacific, giving me a good reason to re-paint them in jungle uniforms rather than the early war temperate ones that I started with and didn't think looked any good. Needless to say, this plan fell flat on it's face, and I moved on to other things.

On the drive up to Scotland the other day, however, the lad said he'd really like to paint a US Marine force for Bolt Action, which reminded me about the US Marine figures. I have now given these to him as a swap for the sprues of US Airborne that he got in the Bolt Action starter set, which he didn't really fancy painting. He's now got the plastuic box set of thirty figures, an HQ set, a bazooka, sniper and forward observer set, an MMG or two and a 37mm AT gun and jeep tow, so more than enough for a full platoon plus support units. 

This will hopefully give me an excuse to get the Japanese re-booted, although I'm now going to re-spray the whole lot in a light green shade and start again, not being happy with the desert yellow shade I originally used. In the meantime, I have a whole platoon of late war British infantry sitting on the workbench that I need to crack on with, when I can find the time between taxi driving and all the DIY jobs I've been left with over the summer holidays!


  1. The hue and cry of "if only I had more time....." good luck choosing tasks.

  2. I'm putting them off due to the weather...that's my excuse anyway!
