Saturday 21 August 2021

Khalkhin Gol Club Game

I've set up a game at the club for next Tuesday, the first time I've been up there for over a year due to lockdown, so it'll be great to get some proper wargaming for a change. I'll be running the Stalin's Eagles scenario with five players signed up and a probable sixth, which I will fill in if needs be, so that each player will have either a shotai or a zveno to command. If I get time, I'll write up a proper scenario outline so that we're all singing from the same song sheet, but all of the players are Bag the Hun veterans so I'm sure they will get along fine anyway.


  1. Good luck with it, and well done. Ah, I miss gaming nights with other people :)

  2. I quite like solo gaming but you do need a bit of a club game now and then

  3. Hope the game goes well.


