Sunday 5 September 2021

One Hour Wargames on a Budget

One of the Facebook groups that I've joined is for Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames rules, which I've always thought would make a great solo wargaming on a budget project. The rules themselves don't look like much, being only a couple of pages long, but they are deliberately simplified for fast play and minimal complication. The secret of the rules is in the extensive range of scenarios, which can be used with all of the rules variants in one shape or form, and also in the small size of the armies and space required. 

The author also encourages the use of cheap plastic and paper armies, which is a nice change from the usual highly commercialised sets of rules these days. I have a tentative plan to try out the ECW rules variant with the Billy Bones paper armies that are available on Wargames Vault. I have had this set for years, originally downloaded for use as a teaching aid but otherwise not usefully employed, so I could print off two whole armies at minimal cost for this project. 

The other option would be the ACW variant, again using the Billy Bones paper counters, which I've experimented with before for Longstreet but didn't get beyond gluing together one regiment. I particularly like the look of the ACW units as they are very much in the style of contemporary glass plate sepia photographs and look very atmospheric. It's another project for a rainy weekend but it should be well worth the cost of a printer cartridge or two!

(as this is a print and play project, I'll post any updates on the other blog: Tea and a Wad Wargaming)


  1. The OHW rules are what yo make of them. If you intend to play them a lot then you'll end up making lots of changes. There's basically one tactic - make sure you fire or attack first. The scenarios are a good selection. We've had some fun combining them and playing a pair side by side.

  2. I think the scenarios will make up for the basic nature of the rules but I can see myself making a few period specific tweaks.
