Friday 10 September 2021

Sandbox Skirmish

I've been wondering about booting up the Sandbox Skirmish project again, as it's been gathering dust for a few months despite my best intentions to get it going. I'd like a break from painting little ships and planes, although there are lots of Italian warships already on my workbench that need my attention, so a few 15mm figures would be a refreshing change. 

There's only about forty of them to do as well, so in theory it's only a long weekend job if I sit down and get on with it. The vehicles are three quarters done too and I have quite a bit of terrain that I can finish without having to spend hours at it, so there's not a lot of excuses for me to fall back on?


  1. I would love to see this project come back to life. It inspired me to purchase a platoon of Professionals and a platoon of Guerrillas for a similar skirmish project, but mine been on the back burner too.

  2. It's on the list for later this year, once I've sorted out some angles that need a bit of fine tuning.
