Sunday 2 January 2022

Finest Hour 1/600th Decals

I had a tip off about some RAF decals in 1/600th scale (thanks Martin!) available from Miscellaneous Miniatures in the USA, specifically ones with squadron codes and tail flashes for my Hurricanes. Although I may not use the codes, as my squadron is fictitious, I do like the idea of adding the fin flashes, so I've sent off for a set for No145 Squadron which includes ones in the right size for the Hurricane MkI with no need for any fiddly trimming. 

I've also ordered some sheets for the Bf-109's, He-111's, Do-17's and Stukas, so I should have enough to deck out the opposition. As I'm now waiting for the decals to arrive, I'm going to leave the Hurricanes for the moment and crack on with the Bf-109's and a couple of reconnaissance aircraft, so that they will be finished when the postman delivers the decal sheets in a few days. Tally Ho!

Miscellaneous Miniatures, LLC (


  1. Interesting, I should get me a few of these.

  2. I usually use my old Doms Decals sheets and Flight Deck Decals but these fill some gaps.
