Wednesday 9 March 2022

Mourir Pour l'Indochine

The pdf copy of the French Indochina War rules by Shawn Taylor, Mourir Pour l'Indochine, popped into my inbox this afternoon. I haven't had time to read through them yet but I'm really looking forward to exploring how they work and how I might use them for either 15mm platoon level skimish or 10mm company level games. 

It's a really under valued and relatively obscure conflict in wargaming terms but there is so much potential, with all sorts of fascinating scenarios beyond the obvious Dien Ben Phu, Foreign Legion angle which tends to dominate the subject, at least as far as the wargaming media is concerned. It's a credit to the author that these rules don't fall into that trap but include a wide range of fascinating scenarios across the length and breadth of the war.


  1. Great to see it out- I didn't back the kickstarter in the end but will pick up the pdf when it becomes available.



  2. I have the pdf version and it's well worth it...tough on the printer ink though!
