Wednesday 23 March 2022

Pre Dreadnought Project Revival

I have decided to revive my pre-dreadnought project for this year, swapping out one of my air wargaming projects to fit it into the workbench schedule. I prepared two fleets for this over the last year or two, one Italian and one French, but stalled at the painting stage for some reason. I will now bring this forward and aim to get both of the fleets painted up for Broadside and Salvo, possibly once I've finished the Parthian army for Strength and Honour. The thinking is that, as they are already assembled, based and undercoated, it is a relatively simple job to finish them off and actually play some games*. I'll have to jiggle some of my other projects around a bit but I reckon I can get this one sorted in fairly short order.

(*Mind you, I said that back in September last year too: Jim's Wargames Workbench: Pre-Dreadnought Project (


  1. I like a plan that generates a playable game.

  2. Me too; doesn't happen that often but it's great when it does!
