Wednesday 23 March 2022

Tumbling Dice Skis


Paul sent me a pre-production sample of the ski undercarriage parts that he's adding to the 1/600th scale range for the Gloster Gladiator and Fokker DXXI. These consist of undercarriage legs and two skis that glue onto lugs on the bottom of the legs, with a hole in the ski to help locate them. I assembled the Fokker DXXI example today and, with a bit of a fiddle and by cutting of the lugs to get a neat fit, 

I managed to put it together. It looks a little bit out of scale but not so much that it's not recognisable as a set of skis, although you might be excused for thinking they were floats. In fact I was wondering if you could make better use of them for 1/285th scale aircraft, although they'd probably be a bit under scale by comparison. It does mean I can now go ahead with a Winter War scenario project for Bag the Hun and possibly Wings at War, unless the Franco Thai War grabs my attention first?


  1. I always thought ski u/c were much thinner than the model. These almost look like floats. I'd be tempted to replace the skis with a scratch built part.

  2. Yes I agree, they are too big. I am probably going to compromise by just filing off the wheels on the existing undercarriage parts, so that they look more like skis.

  3. The backs of the ski look OK but the fronts could do with a tiny bit of trimming down and they'll be fine.



    1. I wonder if that is meant to be snow piled up on the fronts?

  4. No, its the shoes on the front of he skis designed to stop them digging in when landing.
