Saturday 23 April 2022

Variable Geometry Flight Stands for Knights of the Sky


I found four of these extending magnetic pick up tools in the local French supermarket on my holidays, so now my WW1 aircraft can bank, dive and climb, not to mention plummet earthwards in flames. I wish I'd been able to find some more but there were only four on the shelves, which is better than nothing and they were only 3 euros each anyway. It's a shame that Knights of the Sky isn't as popular as it used to be at the club but I'm sure I can still make use of these new flight stands myself. 


  1. Oh very interesting! Could you tell me in which shop =)? What is the scale of the plane?

  2. Hi Remi,

    It was in Carrefour in Benodet but you'll no doubt find them in your local shop. The plane is 1/72nd.

  3. Great, thanks I'll have a look =) !
