Saturday 14 May 2022

Bulldogs Away 2nd Edition


I spent my pocket money this week on a pdf copy of the second edition of Bulldogs Away! from A and A Game Engineering, as it was about time I upgraded from my dog eared old copy of the original rules. The main difference between them is in the initiative system and in the expanded explanatory section, which outline how the game plays using an example and diagrams to run through the mechanics for detection and firing, which will be very useful. It does mean that I have to re-read the rules again to get a grip on things but a lot of it hasn't changes so I'm sure I can work it out. I'm hoping to play a first game at the end of the month.


  1. These are not a set of rules I have come across before. So I will be interested in the AAR.

  2. I've still got my first edition rules around, but haven't played in a while. I'm interested in hearing about what has changed in the second edition.
