Tuesday 24 May 2022

NEWSFLASH - Mpongo in Border Zone (Reuters)

President Mpongo earlier today

From our military correspondent in Njuba

The military convoy escorting the president for life of Mbote, General Papi Mpongo, has arrived in the disputed border zone near Njuba. After touring front line positions held by the Mbote Defence Force, President Mpongo watched an exercise by MDF border guards, then answered questions from the press at a forward command post within view of the front lines. 

ZAP Border Guards

ZAP tanks approach Dgenge

Meanwhile, just across the border line in neighbouring Zubuto, units of the Zubuto Army of the People have been deploying to reinforce existing ZAP border patrols. A column of tanks and armoured vehicles has advanced along the Njuba to Wanga Wanga highway and is now concentrated a short distance from the border railway crossing at Dgenge.