Friday 26 August 2022

Dawn of Iron Print and Play...eventually.


I spent an irritating morning yesterday getting my crappy printer to churn out what seemed like a never-ending stream of rules, cards, tokens and ship sheets for Dawn of Iron. I wasn't printing everything but enough to run some play test games of the War of the Pacific supplement, which I have promised to do as soon as I can find the time, but it still took a while to sort everything out. I now have the fun job of cutting it all out, sticking it together and laminating it, so that will take some doing too. I'm sure it will all be worth it but next time I might just go to a local print shop and pay a bit more to have it done by someone else!


  1. I feel your pain. We gave up on owning a colour printer because of all that. Our local library does colour printing for free up to a few dollars value per month so we use their service.

  2. I wish my local library was that useful!
