Friday 5 August 2022

Wings at War Facebook Group?


After setting up a successful and thriving Facebook Group for AK47 Republic a few months ago, which now has over 380 members and lots of activity, I was wondering if it would be worthwhile starting a group dedicated to the Wings at War rules system. There are groups for other air wargaming rules and also groups for 1/600th scale, 2mm and 3mm miniature wargaming but nothing specific to cater for the Wings at War rules in all the different versions, the 1/600th scale aircraft models, the terrain and the rules variants that are associated with the system. I'd be interested to know if you think this is a good idea or am I just duplicating stuff that's already available on other groups or platforms?


  1. Yes, that would be a great idea.

  2. Hi Jim,

    I would be up for that - I need to get galvanised with some aerial games!

    All the best,


  3. Great idea! I don't think these sets of rules get the love that they deserve.

  4. I will get it up and running asap

  5. I'm a bit mixed to be honest - not against the basic idea, that one is fabulous! But Facebook... I would have preferred if had a forum and users could upload there. I never liked the idea of having to hunt around to find different sites about the same game (and often having the same content too, except for that one small needled you just know should be there somewhere). Facebook is also... not all that ethical (to understate enormously). With that caveat, I'm highly supportive and think it will help both the game system and the hobby in large.

    1. I agree with you about FB but it's the best way to reach the largest number of potential enthusiasts. I know Paul has taken over the Wings at War site but I'm not sure he's really interested in setting up a forum.

    2. I really understand the problem to make someone create a forum, I mostly meant it's a pity they don't. Remember all the links to "you find it at our Yahoo group", that now sadly are gone. Anyway, I'm very thankful for your effort into this!
