Saturday 24 September 2022

Flames Above the Falklands Finished


I finally got round to finishing off the 1/600th aircraft for Flames Above the Falklands that I started way back before the summer holidays. I'd been putting this off due to the fiddly decals but it wasn't actually that difficult to do, mainly due to the quality of the Flight Deck Decals transfers. The paint work isn't that great but they are definitely useable, if not for a whole game then for some dogfighting. That's another one of my 'to do' projects done, so time to move on to something else on the list.


  1. Great show! What's the reason again for using hexes this time instead of square bases?

  2. I just had them to hand. They're for Airwar: C21 and BTH.

  3. Excellent! I particularly like the camo on the Daggers.

  4. They look great! Congrats on another project completed. AAR'S and the next project up.

  5. Jim, I'm interested in this campaign and particularly the air war. What are these rules like from your perspective?

    1. I haven't played a game yet but I'm familiar with the system. It's a very neat and elegant game.
