Tuesday 11 October 2022

Beja Base Bodge


I painted a complete Beja army for The Men Who Would Be Kings in 2020 but was really disappointed with the finish on the bases, so put the whole lot away for a rainy day. At the weekend, the weather was a bit wet, so I dug out a few of the figures and had a go at sorting out the bases. I wanted to see if I could make them less of a brown shade and more like a rocky desert in appearance, without having to repaint the whole lot. 

A heavy drybrush and some stippling with Vallejo Iraqi Sand and they look a lot better, so with a few tufts and scrub added, I think we're back in the Beja business. I have to finish off one unit and add some detailing, eyes, mouths, beads and so on, then they will be ready to use for a game, assuming that next year I paint up some Egyptians or British for them to massacre!


  1. Nice work. It's amazing how much difference bases make. Out of a bunch of figures you suddenly have an army. Probably my favourite part of the whole process is seeing bases finished and the army laid out ready for a photo!

  2. It's definitely something that makes a big difference. Worth getting right.
