Sunday 2 October 2022

Corsairs and Cavaliers Air Strike


I tried out the mission cards again today, this time for a game of Corsairs and Cavaliers, with the card draw being narrowed down to a patrol and a ground attack sortie for both sides, picking two rather than three missions from the deck due to the small size of the table. The game was fast and exciting, with the two patrols dogfighting at Level 3 while the fighter bombers got on with their respective missions at low level, the Hondurans hitting a bridge and the Salvadorans a truck convoy. I was hoping to try out the ground attack strafing rules during the game, so selected two cards that might give me an opportunity to have a go,

In the end, the Hondurans managed to shoot down a Mustang, as well as scoring two hits on the bridge knocking it down. The Salvadorans had one Corsair shot down by AAA on the attack run and failed to hit their target at all, but one of the Honduran Corsairs was shot down by a Mustang. The Hondurans achieved one mission objective, but the Salvadorans failed to achieve either of theirs. The game ended when the Hondurans achieved their Victory Target of 4 points, which was boosted to 7 points by their 1D3+1 roll for mission accomplished, while the Salvadoran scored a measly 1 point. 

Good fun!