Tuesday 18 October 2022

Haze Gray and Underway


After some thought, I've decided to paint my US Navy pre-dreadnought cruisers and battleships in wartime colours, which allows me to use them for the Spanish American War as well as for my fictitious 'What If?' Chile - Argentina conflict set in the mid-1890's. The wartime scheme for US warships was an overall battle gray shade, with a distinctive blue tinge that I am going to try and replicate using Vallejo French Mirage Blue and Field Blue, with some Army Pinter Fog Grey for the highlights. I'm not sure if that will work, as it may be too blue, but it's a bit of an experiment so we'll have to wait and see. If you have any better ideas or paint combinations, I'd love to hear your ideas!  

1 comment:

  1. I haven't any better suggestions, but I am looking forward to seeing what you do with this. I'd also be interested to know your source material. I decided to do my 1/3000 Span Am ships in grey - Revell acrylic 374, with a thin black wash - and intend to do the same for my Great White Fleet (yes, I know ...) for a hypothetical clash with Japan (or anybody else).
