Sunday 20 November 2022

French Spad XIII Decals

As the old Revell Spad XIII kit comes with US decals, I've had to rummage in the decal box for some suitable French ones. To my surprise, I found that I have an ancient sheet of 1/72nd ABT decals for later Spad XIII's, which I can use for the early ones without too much of a problem, especially as no one will know the difference. If they are still good, it will save me time painting the tail bands by hand and will also look much better.

This depends on how they hold up when I try to actually use them of course, with the likelihood that they just disintegrate as soon as I plonk then in some warm water. I've also had to find some roundels but fortunately have spare ones from two Sopwith 1/2 Strutter kits that are destined for the RFC at some point. If those don't work either I will have to use some Almark ones that I have ordered from eBay as a backup.

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