Saturday 10 December 2022

AK47 Convoy


I found this lot of old Matchbox and Corgi toy trucks in the local charity shop for 50p each to this afternoon. A couple of the them will end up as technicals but the rest I'll use for a UN convoy or as transport vehicles for militia units, complete with drop in passenger bases. 

There aren't any specific rules for convoys in the original AK47 rules, unlike the reloaded version where they are liability units, but I think I could come up with something, especially for a peacekeeping force where it could be a really interesting addition as a compulsory unit or even a sixth 'unarmed militia' type unit. 


  1. I have a load of those big lorries painted white with UN in big black letters, because Why Not? You could use them as objective markers.

  2. Those look perfect! Good luck

  3. At least I have plenty to go round!
