Tuesday 23 May 2023

NEWSFLASH - ZAP forces strike Mbote (Reuters)

ZAP tanks in the Wanayani border zone

From our military correspondent in Wanayani 

In a sudden strike across the Zubuto - Mbote border this morning, armoured and mobile units of the Zubuto Army of the People, advanced into contact with defending units of the Mbote Defence Force. This incursion follows recent tensions between the two neighbouring nations, after a diplomatic crisis over the Afro vision 72 song contest result.

MDF troops defend border positions

The situation on the ground is very confused and reports are still coming in, but initial assessment of the situation indicates heavy fighting is underway. It appears that MDF frontline units are holding off the ZAP in the area of the Wanayani bridgehead, with a number of objectives being defended, while reinforcements are rushed to the front lines.


  1. Zounds! Who could have predicated such a thing?! Perhaps it's merely a navigation mistake by troops on practice maneuvers. Surely Major Atak wouldn't issue orders for a major attack would he?

  2. Nervously waiting on breaking news headlines.
