Monday 29 May 2023

Sandbox Skirmish Painting Experiment


This is the result of my experiment in painting 15mm figures using a basecoat and wash method, instead of my usual layering over a black undercoat. In some ways I think it works well, the shading on the packs for example, but in others I'm not so keen. It also wasn't any faster than layering, which was a surprise. I think I'll stick to my usual method for my Red Actions! project but, as I've started using washes for the Sandbox Skirmish figures I'll carry on with the same for the rest of the British infantry platoon. Ho hum.


  1. Mmm it works, but I prefer your earlier style, it has so much more colour and table bling to it. This I suspect at a distance will look muddy and disappear into the basing and scenery.. ummmm like camo.

  2. I think they look OK but prefer layering
