Sunday 23 July 2023

Red Actions! Autumn Offensive


It's been a bit quiet on the Red Actions! Russian Civil War front recently, but that doesn't mean the project has slipped off the production line or been shoved to one side. I have finished basing the bulk of the army, apart from one unit of Cossack cavalry and perhaps a unit of 'Colour' infantry, so it's going to be ready to paint when I get back from the holidays. I'm calling this my Red Actions! Autumn Offensive for obvious reasons. A few years ago I did the same thing with a large AK47 army and it went very much according to plan, so I'm pretty confident it will work out this time too.

The plan is to start painting in October, with a deadline of the end of the year for the army to be completed, more or less. If we can get some play test games in using reduced forces at some point as well, then that will be a bonus. It's quite a lot of lead to paint but I think I can do a fairly simple production line approach to shift a core of units that can be used for learning the rules, then add on some extra bits like the tanks and the armoured train as we go forward. Sounds like a plan!

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