Friday 28 July 2023

Solo Mini Naval Campaign Holiday Hiatus

General Belgrano

I'm off to a wedding in Poland over the next week or so, driving all the way from Brittany to the Baltic, so the pre-dreadnought solo naval campaign is going to take a short break. As it stands, the Chileans and Argentinians are pretty much drawing even when it comes to their strategic and tactical success, although the Chileans are possibly slightly ahead. I'm not using any complicated victory points system or doing any number crunching, as it's a solo campaign and I'm free to decide the outcome of any naval engagements and the political progression for each side. 

'I say old chap, stop that now, there's a good fellow'

The next scenario will probably be the last in the sequence, as it's a mini-campaign of a 'What If?' incident rather than a full-blown war, but it will involve more warships on both sides this time. The strategic situation is that things are getting a bit out of hand down south, so the British (in no uncertain terms) and the Americans (a little more reluctantly) are going to bring pressure to bear on the two antagonists to call it a day. The Royal Navy, in particular, will be making its presence felt to bring matters to a premature close, but only after the Chileans decide to tough it out and give the Argentinians a bit of a Patagonian kicking. 


This will see the Chilean battleship Capitan Prat and the powerful armoured cruiser O'Higgins, taking on the three remaining Argentinian armoured cruisers, Garibaldi, Pueyrredon and General Belgrano, in a full on naval battle. I've left out the Argentinian protected cruiser Nueve de Julio, as it will be tough for the Chileans as it is and I want to save her for a possible fourth scenario, once the dust has settled. If I had finished the Argentinian river monitors, coastal battleships and torpedo boats for the project, I would extend the campaign. As it is, most of the Chilean and Argentinian protected cruisers I really want aren't yet available from Tumbling Dice, so I'm happy to draw a line after the next scenario is resolved.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a lovely trip. Driving from Berlin to Amsterdam by way of Hannover was trip enough. Your journey ranks up there with the heroic tales of yore.
