Wednesday 23 August 2023

2mm Pike and Shot ECW Armies

Stratton 1643
An entire battle in 2mm?
Why not?

The Strength and Honour project this year has really opened my eyes to the possibilities of this very small scale. I've found that painting armies in 2mm has been far less daunting and much more rewarding than usual, with the added bonus of being a lot quicker not to mention cheaper than 10, 15 or 28mm. In part this is no doubt because I already do a lot of my projects in very small scales, from 1/600th scale aircraft all the way down to 1/3000th scale warships, so I'm very comfortable with the techniques used for tiddly painting. 

As a result, I've decided to continue my exploration of 2mm wargaming with another Strength and Honour army, the Numidians, or an English Civil War project using the Irregular Miniatures range. The latter is an obvious direction of travel, as lots of other people have done similar things in 2mm with the Irregular Miniatures models and there's plenty of advice, ideas and inspiration available via the web. It's something I've thought about ever since I saw the Siege of Portsmouth game at Colours a few years ago and had a chat with Mark about how he set it up. 

I've ordered a starter army from Irregular Miniatures and have been sketching out some ideas already for another 'weekend' painting project. It will no doubt take longer than this to do but the aim is to not spend a lot of time painting and basing up the units, so that I can fit the project around the Red Actions! AFSR painting, which will require my full attention. As for rules, I've not decided yet, although One Hour Wargames may well be a good starting point with an emphasis on a simple solo campaign, possibly drawing on the system in the old 1644 rules. To fit this into the overall plan for 2023, I've had to rule out the Bag the Hun scenario writing project for this year and anything new for Wings at War, but both can easily wait for another year or two. 


  1. I will be very interested in seeing how this goes. I have not seen anything from Irregular Miniatures in years.

  2. I find myself increasingly drawn to 2mm armies andnum a bit torn between the figures from Irregular and Antonine Miniatures so I'll be watching this with interest

    1. The Antonine blocks are easy to paint...I'd start with those.
