Sunday 13 August 2023

Imperial German Pre-dreadnoughts


I have a small number of the Tumbling Dice German pre-dreadnought models but thought it would be fun to expand this into a Baltic squadron c1900, to fit in with my other pre-dreadnought fleets. The ASP10 (Baltic Squadron c1905) discount starter set includes half a dozen models which fit with what I've already got and can form the basis of a 'What If?' Anglo-German or Franco-German littoral war in the Baltic, very much in a Riddle of the Sands style.

This is something I've thought about before and would be a quick painting project, given the simple all over off white, light sea grey paint scheme that the Imperial German fleet was decked out in. I already have the models for the British and French (and Russians), the French being assembled and based, ready for painting.

Yet more lead for the nautical look lead pile but I do like the Tumbling Dice models!


  1. Nice.

    The other use for German naval forces would be to have them take on US Navy ships around the turn of the century based on the Venezuelan Crisis.

  2. Hadn't thought of that..nice idea 😜
