Friday 19 January 2024

Happy Birthday To Me

It was my birthday yesterday and I had a really nice day, even though I had to go to work, made even better by having an unexpected day off today. I was very fortunate to receive some amazing presents from my family too, which really knocked me out! As you can see, a lot of these were wargaming related including the Perry Miniatures ACW Battle in a Box, which may well change my 28mm project focus this year as a result. I also got an AK wet palette and Citadel water pot to help me with my painting, together with some storage boxes for the workbench. Fantastic. My lovely daughter even bought me an I Pad (!) which I didn't expect and was extremely generous...what a star! 


  1. You did well. Hope all your projects go well.

  2. A belated happy birthday! Looks like an excellent haul of goodies.

  3. Looks like a good one. Happy Birthday!

  4. Very many happy returns and my word didn't you do well!

  5. In the name of Rome is a really good book too!

  6. Many happy returns!!

  7. Happy birthday, and yes, you made out quite well!

  8. A thousand happy returns, may health, wealth and happiness follow you all of your days

  9. Ja må han leva uti hundrade år! Hipp hipp, hurray, hurray hurray!

    1. In South of Sweden (Skåne / Scania) we still do the Danish salute of three cannon shots (or hurraies when we lack the cannons :D ), while Sweden have a double shot for ordinary occasions, and a double salute for royalty. So most of Sweden do a four time hurray.

      A thing I wondered, but never managed to find the answer to, do anyone here know any other countries salute numbers?
