Friday 10 May 2024

Fire in the Sky

This looks really interesting...

Fire in the Sky is a set of wargame rules designed to simulate large-scale air combat in WW2. Unlike many sets that have already been written, Fire in the Sky does not attempt to put players in the seat of the individual pilot’s cockpit, flying maneuvers or managing ammunition. Instead, this game aims to let players feel like a squadron or flight commander, commanding dozens of planes at once.

Fire in the Sky eschews nuts and bolts simulation, plotting flight paths, or tracking fuel to produce a game which can capture actions that involve a large number of aircraft, like Adlertag (“Eagle Day”) during the Battle of Britain, the dramatic “Big Week” operations of the US Army Eighth Air Force, or the airstrikes carried out against the Kidō Butai during the Battle of Midway. 

Fire in the Sky Volume 1: Big Week is the first book for Fire in the Sky. It contains the game’s core rules, a special Action Chart with the planes used in early 1944 for Operation Argument, the allied offensive known as “Big Week,” and a set of scenarios allowing you to relive the action in the skies above Germany. Additionally, Volume 1: Big Week contains a special campaign generator, Target For Today, which will allow you to create endlessly replayable scenarios involving the 8th Air Force.

1 comment:

  1. I have downloaded the rules, not played yet, but assembled flight stands.

    These rules may provide what I've wanted for many years.
    An air game that tickles the gap between single seat dogfight and full ops room map.

    I think the manoeuvre by squadron, and focus on allied fighters eliminating axis fighters capture the spirit of the daylight raids.
