Friday 14 June 2024

Himmler is Similar

One of the scenarios I'm going to work out over the summer holidays is a 'What If?' variation on the shooting down of Admiral Yamamoto in April 1943, reimagined as an ambush by Soviet fighters on Himmler's Ju-52 over the arctic front in March 1942. 

Himmler was on an inspection tour of front line units on the 24th March 1942 and was escorted by Bf-109's of JG5. In my imaginary twist on real events, Himmler's flight is rudely interrupted, with the pilots of JG5 having to prevent the Ju-52 from being shot down. 

It's early days yet but this one may well end up as a club play test game and possibly an article for the next Lard Mag?

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