Thursday 27 June 2024

New Project - WW1 Turkish Black Sea Fleet

This is something I've had planned for a couple of years now, a WW1 Turkish fleet for the Black Sea, using Tumbling Dice 1/2400th models. There a couple of minor gaps and a proxy model here or there but otherwise it's a complete line up, give or take. I also have an opposing Russian force to tackle after this lot have been assembled, based and painted. I might even add some merchant shipping later on. Excellent!


  1. Looks like an interesting project in an arena not much covered in gaming.

  2. Depending on which Ottoman vessels you have, you could also use them for the Italo-Turkish War or the Balkan Wars. This would increase the number of potential opponents you could field them against.

  3. Very cool. I have this in mind in 1/3000, but can't quite decide whether to do them in grey or in the more distinctive khaki which I suspect they had given up by early WW1.
