Sunday 30 June 2024

Plastic Fantastic

In the summer holidays I will have a week or so when I'll be on my own, apart from the dog, in Brittany, the rest of the family being off doing other things. This means I'll have nothing much to do apart from reading and solo wargaming, apart from walking the aforementioned mutt and the occasional dip in the sea.

I'm planning ahead for this rate interlude in the joy of parenting, with Plan A being to spend some of the time building an army (or two) in plastic. This has the advantage of being easier to do while away, much cheaper in outlay as compared to metal figures, while being quite a pleasant process at the same time. 

The current idea is to assemble a Zulu and possibly a British army for Death in the Dark Continent using the Perry Miniatures boxes. The other option is to assemble a British army for the East African campaign for Chain of Command. These both have the advantage of being compatible with the excellent modular African savannah terrain that I've recently been gifted, so a great way to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

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