Sunday 2 June 2024

Reading to Rewind

While I'm taking some time out from painting and modelling I thought I'd do a bit of reading, something I normally only have the time and focus for in the long holidays. I've had this book on the Ipad for ages but never got round to reading it, so will give it a go now that I'm not doing other things. It's obviously relevant to the summer project but also just a chance for me to rewind my metaphorical spring, ready to get back to the workbench in a bit 


  1. I have read a book or two by Bowman. He is a good writer and does his research, you should enjoy this tome.

  2. Hi Jim, firstly and most importantly enjoy the book! Afterwards I would interested in your take on the book and the mighty eighty going over.

    Regards, Swen
