Friday 9 August 2024

Bag the Hun Scenario - Crazy Ivan

Today's Bag the Hun Continuation War project reading turned up this potential scenario, featuring a lone LaGG-3 pilot escorting two Pe-2 bombers on July 7th 1942, with what can only be described as suicidal enthusiasm (from P-36 Hawk Aces of World War 2 - Aircraft of the Aces 86):

"Two days later, whilst patrolling near Lotinanpelto, Capt Bremer and WO Koskinen from 2/LeLv 32 intercepted two Pe-2s and their solitary, aggressively flown, LaGG-3 escort. Bremer (in CU-552) recalled:

‘As we flew over the River Svir at a height of 3000 m, I spotted three small dots on the horizon. As we got closer to them, Koskinen and I identified the dots as two Pe-2s and one LaGG-3. They turned towards us when we got to within a 1000 m of them. 

Singling out one of the Pe-2s, I tried to get onto its tail. As I did so, the LaGG-3 turned into me. Ignoring the bomber, I fired a short burst at the fighter from ahead and below. I then turned too tightly in an attempt to get behind the LaGG-3 and briefly lost control of my aircraft. I managed to level it out without losing too much altitude, however.

In the meantime, the LaGG-3 had attacked WO Koskinen, but he had managed to avoid being shot down. The Russian pilot now went after me again, heading towards my fighter from the port side, shooting all the time. But I was in no danger, as he was aiming too low with too much deflection. 

I curved in behind the LaGG-3 and closed to within 50 m of its tail, before firing a good burst. Despite it leaving a trail of smoke in its wake, the pilot still made a few shallow turns in both directions. I kept it solidly in my gunsight and continued to fire at it until I ran out of ammunition. The fighter eventually crashed into a forest within enemy territory southwest of Lotinanpelto.'

Clearly this has potential for a very exciting scenario, assuming I can identify the Soviet pilot and find out who he was. I can then give him some special characteristics as well as an appropriate level of pilot skill, potentially Veteran but with added special rules to reflect his determination (the 'Die Hard" rule would be a good fit). It would make a really good sprog level game but with plenty of challenge for more experienced players too.

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