Monday 5 August 2024

The Action of Ile de Glenan, 6th August 1804 - A Scenario for INWarD 2024

August 1804.

A powerful French squadron of seven third rate ships of the line has slipped through the inshore naval blockade of Brest, using a thunder storm and squall as cover, in a sortie designed to challenge the Royal Navy stranglehold on the French fleet. The plan is to break out into the Atlantic then rendezvous with the Spanish, as a precursor to a full scale break out by the entire French fleet.

An unexpected change of weather and the evident strength of the offshore blockading force, has led to a change of course by the French squadron commander, Admiral Josselin, who has decided not to sail out into the Atlantic but to head for Lorient or La Rochelle, before the Royal Navy is able to stop him. Unfortunately, the squadron has been shadowed at a discrete distance by Royal Navy frigates and dispatches indicating the likely course of the French have been received.

Anticipating  just such a move, a squadron of six third rate 74"s under the command of Admiral Shepton Mallet has been detached from blockade duties off Lorient and has been ordered to intercept the French squadron before it can reach a refuge in either naval port. The Royal Navy force has set a Westerly course and is patrolling off the Ile de Glenan, in the hope that the French will be spotted as it rounds the Breton peninsula.

The French Squadron deploys in the North West corner of the table heading on a South Westerly course in line astern, with the last ship touching the table edge. It must exit at least half it's ships (rounded down) via the Eastern table edge. The Royal Navy squadron deploys in line astern at any point along the Eastern table edge, with the last ship touching the table edge. It must prevent at least half of the French ships from escaping via the Eastern table edge by disabling, capturing or sinking them. Any other result is a draw.

Both commanders are Average.

The French squadron consists of Aigle, Scipion, Desaix, Patriote, Neptune (Flag), Pluton and Achille.

The RN squadron consists of Goliath, Minotaur, Ramillies, Mars, Leviathan (Flag) and Ajax. 

All RN crews are Veteran and all French crews are Average. 

The wind is from the North. The French have the weather gauge. The sea state is calm with a moderate breeze and visibility is excellent.

(unfortunately, due to unavoidable family commitments, it looks like I will have to postpone this game until the end of the week...but it will go ahead!)


  1. Your models are looking good and the set up for this scenario is great. Cannot wait to see how this plays out.
