Saturday 21 September 2024

Middle East WW1 Book - Allenby's War

I popped into town this afternoon and, as usual, stopped off in the Oxfam bookshop, where I found a hardback copy of this book. It's a subject I've considered wargaming in 10mm, using the Pendraken range and If The Lord Spares Us from Toofatlardies, perhaps the least inspiring title for a set of rules I've come across. The rules are, however, pretty good and perfect for the sort of thing I'm after. All good stuff and something to read up on for next year perhaps?


  1. Huh! Great minds think alike. I'm also considering gaming the Palestine/Mespot campaigns in 10mm using Pendraken. Real life is getting in the way, though. A book I can recommend is 'Allenby's Gunners' by Alan H Smith. Covers all aspects of the 'six mile snipers' at work during the campaign.

  2. Thanks for the book recommendation. I think 10mm is an ideal scale for this.

  3. Its an excellent book about an aspect of the Great War that is far too often ignored and yet still has ramifications for the modern day.

    Read and enjoy,

