Friday 4 October 2024

Play Testing the Project

With five and a half of the scenarios drafted and the 1/600th Soviet aircraft being painted in a blitz, I thought it was about time I put a shout out to the club for play testing the Continuation War Bag the Hun project. I've set aside some dates in November when I can bring a couple of the scenarios and the required logistical bits and bobs to the club, so just need some volunteers. 

I have a couple already, which is a good start, but ideally want one or two more, especially for the larger scenarios that aren't so easy to solo play test at home. It's not a particularly popular set of rules at the club, quite a few players not being keen on the 'Why can't I do that?" factor, which they find frustrating. 

It's a bit like Marmite, you either love the unpredictably and split second immediacy of 'playing the period' or you hate the fact you can't plan three moves ahead for the perfectly lined up shot. I like the randomness but then I'm not 'in it to win it' like some people seem to be. Anyway, I'll see if I get enough interest in the next few days...if not it's back to the Marmite.

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