Friday 31 August 2018

Tying up Loose Ends

Sukhoi 22M

Mirage 2000P

Cessna A37B Dragonfly

Canberra B Mk2

I decided to wrap up a couple of half finished things today, one being the 1/600th scale Peruvian aircraft for my Target Locked On! Flashpoint:Alto Cenepa project, which have been hanging about for years, the other being the 1/600th Soviet Cold War PVO interceptors that I start on a few months ago. The Alto Cenepa planes have been sitting in a box since 2015, so I really should have finished painting then by now.

I did manage to finish the Peruvian aircraft this morning, although I had to simplify the insignia because all I had to use were Turkish roundels without fin flashes for the tails. I will now need to do the other half of the project at some point, by painting the planes for the Ecuadorian Air Force, again using magnet basing rather than my usual wire stands so that they match. Who knows where the decals will come from for those?

I didn't finish the Soviet planes, however, as I ran out of time to do the decals. I'll tackle these tomorrow morning, so that they are finished off properly. I am pleased with the bare metal finish on these, as I used a different approach from the one I used on my Korean War planes, with Foundry Metal rather than Spearpoint as the base layer. I think this looks better once it's been ink washed and highlighted.


  1. Very nice- I had had a mind to do some fights based around the Alto Cenepa war that have come to nothing yet.



  2. Thanks Pete,

    It's a really interesting conflict and there's plenty of scope for some 'what if?' scenarios. Lots of helos but I've yet to find some playable rules, unless I adapt a Wings at War set (Falklands?)

  3. I realised that I used the wrong model for the Mirage 5 (should have used a Mirage III not a Nesher) so I'll have to do a couple to replace them, if I can be bothered.

  4. I was planning to write my own rules based around an operational levbel so planning missions to support the ground forces being helo'd in. May well go for 6mm infantry as it would be cheap enough.



  5. Cool idea. Terrain modelling would be interesting!
