Saturday 5 January 2019

Bogeys Over Berlin Pair / Rotte Record Sheets

It took me a while to work out how to do this without everything sliding sideways or onto another page but I have now succeeded in duplicating each of the aircraft record sheets and matching them in pairs on a single A4 page. This will give each player only one sheet of A4 paper on which they need to record things and, hopefully, will make things run that little bit smoother. I've also shaded out the superfluous boxes on the ammunition expenditure track, made the shaded sections a notch darker to bring out the contrast and filled in the formation roles of rotte or section leader and wingman, with a pair counting as a section for simplicity of the card deck. Phew!


  1. Nice work Jim, any plans for making these available to others? I have an excel spreadsheet I found on the 'net, but it isn't half as nice as this! thanks, Jeremy
