Sunday 2 June 2019

Pushing the Boat Out

The Royal Navy Squadron

The First French Squadron

The Second French Squadron

I'm setting up another game of Broadside and Ram to play out today or tomorrow, this time with a much larger number of ships for each side in order to fully test out the rules. The rules are designed for fleet actions but up until now I've only used a maximum of three ships per side, as this was easier to handle when playing solo.

This time I'm going to give the Royal Navy a run for it's money by forming two squadrons of French ironclads, with four ships per squadron, against only one squadron of British ironclads. The Royal Navy have superior ships in terms of armour and, to a lesser extent firepower, so it will be interesting to see how they manage being out-numbered.

It will also give me a chance to manoeuvre twelve ships per turn, which should be interesting to say the least. I may even throw in some islands to make it all a bit more exciting! I just need to edit and print out some squadron record sheets, roll up some AP Ratings for the commodores, and I'll be ready for action.


  1. Good luck with this! I think it's a good measure of a rules set to see how many units a gamer can handle solo before everything bogs down.

  2. I think it should be long as I keep things tracked!
