Friday 4 October 2019

Eduard Junkers J.1

I was up in the loft again this evening, this time to check it wasn't leaking, so had another rummage in the kit box and turned up this lovely 1/172nd scale Eduard Junkers J.1 reconnaissance machine. It's a cracking kit and will go alongside the four Fokker Dr 1's that I'm going to build for Knights of the Sky. I've decided to postpone the Congo project for a month or so, giving me time to construct the WW1 aircraft kits for another game at some point in November. I haven't built any biplanes for ages but I'm raring to go so it's definitely 'chocks away!' this weekend.


  1. I'm confused, has one of your posts been taken down? I'm sure you had one with super picture of Dr.1s?

  2. That was just the header image. I'll put it back up asap.
