Thursday 3 October 2019

Von Jim's Flying Circus

I've decided to go for the Fokker Dr.1 option, using the Smer / Eduard kits as they are less fiddly than the old Revell ones. I have four of these but I'm sure I've got a couple more somewhere, although I could also use the new Revell kit of which I have a few, in order to build enough for a really packed multiplayer game. These will be painted as late 1917 machines with the proper Iron Cross insignia, rather than the later rather boring Balkan Cross of 1918. I may also paint them in variety of colourful designs, but with a common palette for that real Flying Circus vibe. If I get the time I'll start on them this weekend.


  1. I thought the bight colours were a personal affectation rather than a Jasta 'thing'? IIRC the Richtofen brothers Red and Yellow came from the facing colours of their army regiments that they left to join the air service.

  2. You are exactly right but I tend to do what looks good rather than totally historically accurate. Mine will probably have the standard green streaked camouflage but with black and white bands, fuselage and tail sections and so on. Nothing too funky!
