Wednesday 5 February 2020

NEWSFLASH - Mbote booted out of border zone (ZBC)

ZAP Victory Parade

In a stunning defensive action in the disputed border zone, the Zubuto Army of the People (ZAP) has smashed the invading forces of the so-called Mbote Defence Force (MDF) and People's Volunteer Army (PVA) militia. The enemy was completely routed and has pulled back over the Mbote border in full retreat, having suffered crippling losses in men and material. 

President for Life Dr Depe Dudu

A victory parade for the victorious ZAP troops has been held in Mpangi, during which President for Life Dr Depe Dudu announced the cancellation of presidential elections, which he has decided in his wisdom are no longer necessary. Dr Dudu also declared a national holiday and celebratory food festival, with free chickens distributed amongst the jubilant crowds at a rally in the national football stadium. 

Victory rally at the national football stadium

In other news, the President of Mbote, Colonel Banga B'oum, is reported to have fled the country by private jet and has requested political asylum in Nbuto. In an emergency statement from the Mbote government, an interim leadership council has been set up under the guidance of Dr Phat Whalet, Minister of Finance, who has declared a state of martial law.

General Papi Mpongo

In a subsequent press conference, Dr Phat Whalet, issued an appeal for the former exiled ruler of Mbote, General Papi Mpongo, to be invited to return to the homeland to take up the reins of power. As yet, there has been no confirmation that a transferal of  power to General Mpongo, as prospective head of state has taken place. 


  1. Looks like meats back on the menu boys!


  2. Chicken and waffles for everyone!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Who needs elections when you already have Dudu!

    It has been a fun read, thanks for sharing it.
