Sunday 2 February 2020

NEWSFLASH - MDF launches Operation Mchuzi Wa Kuku (Reuters)

From our correspondent in Ntumbe (Reuters)

The Mbote Defence Force (MDF) has began a major reinforcement of units on the frontier with Zubuto. Operation Mchuzi Wa Kuku has been initiated with a convoy of tanks, armoured vehicles and trucks advancing toward the disputed border zone at Ntumbe bridge.

In addition, anti-aircraft artillery and shoulder launched AA missile equipped troops have been deployed on high ground in the vicinity of the border strip. Local militia units of the Peoples Volunteer Army (PVA) have also been mobilised.

The operational commander of Mbote Defence Force ground units at the border, Major Mojo, has strongly denied unconfirmed reports that special forces 'snatch squads' of elite scuba commandos of the UPVC have been infiltrated across the border into Zubuto. 


  1. Sounds like an original recipe for disaster.

    You're going to block me, aren't you?

  2. Are those KFC guys wearing watermelons as improvised helmets?

  3. The Ntumbe river is famous for the quality of its water melons, as you probably already know.

  4. Ah, I wasn't aware of that. Makes so much more sense now. :)

  5. It's in the Rough Guide to Mbote p45. Just after the section on crocodiles.

  6. Make sure the PVA does not get mixed up with the MDF other a sticky encounter may occur!
