Friday 13 March 2020

Losing the Leading Edge

I had a heads up that the Leading Edge range of 1/300th scale WW2 aircraft was no longer listed on the Museum Miniatures website, so made some further enquiries. It seems that Museum Miniatures have decided to stop producing and selling the range, which is a real shame as they are fantastic sculpts, paint up really well and are very good value, especially if you get them in the annual January sale. Luckily, I have quite a few stored away but it's still a bit of a pain, as I would have ordered some more if I'd known!


  1. Do you know why they are no longer selling the miniatures? Will they be avalable by another company? Thank you for the heads up that they will no longer be selling the miniatures.

  2. Same here. I just finished painting up a batch from their Jan sale

  3. They said it was just too time consuming to cast them and not really worth doing. It doesn't fit with their other ranges either.

  4. Do you know if the range is up for sale?


