Monday 9 March 2020

Sandbox Skirmish Terrain Cloth

I've splashed out on a new 3' x 3' terrain cloth for both my Sandbox Skirmish 15mm post-war / modern skirmish games but also for my Fistful of Lead wild west skirmish games in 28mm. It's from Deep Cut Studios and is listed as a Wild West cloth for 28mm games but also as a 15mm cloth, so it should be compatible with both scales. I may have to re-paint some of my terrain pieces to match the tone and shade of the cloth but I will probably only do this for the 15mm stuff, as I still want to use my 28mm terrain with my larger 6'x4' table cloth for the Back of Beyond et al.

I don't have much terrain in 15mm anyway, so I can always start again from scratch, using the stuff I do have for the 28mm games. This should make it easier for me to set up games at the club, as it's far more portable than my home made terrain board, which has unfortunately warped out of shape anyway. It will also be useful for future skirmish projects including Strontium Dog and Galactic Heroes, so it's a worthwhile addition to my cloth collection. If I'm lucky, at least some of my existing terrain pieces will be a decent match anyway?

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