Wednesday 8 April 2020

Back to the Baltic

I spent most of yesterday painting the garden shed rather then painting any wargaming things, so the French Napoleonic ships are still in their overall black basecoat. I'm still trying to think through exactly how I'm going to paint them, so I've decided to move them to one side for the moment and instead paint the Prussian and Danish ships for the Battle of Jasmund, which I've been meaning to do for ages. 

These are all Tumbling Dice models from the Victorian ASV range, using proxies for the actual ships involved in the battle in March 1864. There aren't many of them to paint and they're all relatively small models, so I am aiming to get them done in about a week or so, shed painting permitting, with an actual game set up at the end to get them into action!


  1. Ooh, I'll be watching this one with interest. Is that all the ships for the battle?

  2. Yes, that's it. One Danish squadron of one frigate, two corvettes and a ship of the line, with a second frigate, the Tordenskold turning up later and two Prussian squadrons, one of six gunboats and the other of two corvettes and a paddle aviso
