Wednesday 8 April 2020


I've been looking for more skirmish games to play with my daughter, as she really likes that sort of thing, so have decided to have a go at some gladiatorial combat using my old 28mm figures. These were originally painted for the Warhammer Gladiator rules, which turned out to be a bit rubbish, so they haven't been used since, even though I now have at least three decent sets of rules to use them with including Viktus, Sons or Mars and the set by Chris Peers from the Foundry Compendium, Burned With Fire and Killed with Steel. I just need to find the cork board arena that I painted up, read through a set of rules and set it up. For those about to die...we salute you!


  1. I've a load of painted gladiators that I've not used in years- which system would you say is best? I'd pre
    viously used them with the 2 Hour Wargames set but wasn'
    t too fussed with them....



  2. I found the same with the Warhammer set which were a bit clunky. Quite like the look of Sons of Mars though.

  3. I've just completed a similar project and use Sons of Mars - very good set.
