Friday 1 May 2020

The Armada, Trafalgar or Jutland?

While I've been trying to decide which unfinished naval wargaming project to revive this month, I thought I'd seek inspiration in a little bit of background reading. This is a very brief but well written comparison of three of the iconic battles in British naval history, with a final concluding chapter to evaluate the relative significance of each one. It's an easy read but well worth it, as it takes a slightly different tack in comparing three battles rather than just dealing with one in isolation. It hasn't helped me to make up my mind though, so I'm still trying to decide which wargaming project to crack on with from my list of things to do?


  1. Can I voice a contrary opinion and say that Quintero’s Bay was its greatest naval battle. The invasion risk was far greater than 1805 and Hawke undertook terrific risk to achieve a brilliant victory.

    Jutland was too much of a stalemate to count, but there is a case for the armada once one gets past the mythology.

  2. Armada, the last real risk of invasion

  3. If it's a choice between those three, I think I'd go with the Armada as the other two should be forgone conclusions if the rules are realistic - all you can do is score yourself as doing slightly better or worse than the historical outcome. Also the Armada is more of a campaign than a battle so has more scope for decision making.

  4. The author reckons it's Jutland based on his own criteria. Interesting choice as I would have gone for the Armada too.
