Friday 1 May 2020

This month's project is....

French Pre-Dreadnoughts!

I've had these for a while now and they're high up on my Give Us The Ships 'to do' list for 2020 so, in the absence of anything else that will float my metaphorical boat, I'll be basing and painting some absolutely cracking Tumbling Dice 1/2400th scale pre-dreadnought French warships. I've also cracked my torpedo boat flotilla basing conundrum, so there will be battleships, armoured cruisers, light cruisers, coastal defence battleships and last but not least some torpedo boats.

Zut Alors!


  1. Yay! French, the ultimate 'character' vessels when it comes to pre-dreadnoughts.

  2. Replies
    1. That's what the Mrs said too..but she's French, so no surprise there!

  3. Good choice, looking forward to seeing them. The French pre-dreads are so steampunk.

  4. I thought you'd like that :O)
