Welcome to my blog. I have upwards of 100 projects in various stages of incompletion or total abandonment, so you may well find something of interest if you rummage about a bit. I concentrate on solo air and naval wargaming but other 'skirmishy' things quite often pop up out of nowhere, only to disappear again after something else grabs my attention. I even finish the occasional project now and again!
Saturday, 31 October 2020
War of the Pacific Ironclads Finished
Peru-Chile Painting Progress
Friday, 30 October 2020
A Billion Suns
Something else I'm looking forward to next year is the publication of these new fleet scale space wargaming rules. I've played a fair bit of Full Thrust in the past but these rules look really different and intriguing, at least from the outline on the rules website.
They only need a handful of ships to start with, mostly merchants, gunboats, frigates and destroyers, with some fighter stands and a single big warship, so a minimal outlay is required. I have some Brigade Models Amrep ships that I never got round to using too.
It just so happens that the Brigade Models online shop has just reopened, so this week's pocket money may well be spent on more 'ooh shiny!' spaceships instead of more Aeronef. They've added lots of new models to the range since I was last around, so I'll be like a kid in a sweet shop!
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Base Labelling 'How to...'
1/600th scale Fairmile ML's |
Jungle Green
A few years ago I bought some of the Commando Miniatures 28mm British infantry for skirmish wargaming the Malayan Counfrontation or Aden. I was disappointed with the figures, which seemed a bit chunky and lacking in detail, so put them to one side in favour of the 15mm alternative of Peter Pig for my Sandbox Skirmish platoon level project.
I've recently discovered that the Commando Miniatures range, which includes Indonesian para-commandos, Gurkhas and SAS for the Confrontation, has been acquired by Warbases and is now available once again. The painted figures on the website look pretty good too.
I'm thinking of dusting off the figures I already have and ordered a squad worth of the para-commandos or the Arab regulars to do a small post colonial skirmish project in 28mm, alongside my 15mm efforts. The rules would probably be either Fivecore or Danger Close.
I'm leaning toward the Indonesian Confontation, as I have some jungle buildings I've never used and a small amount of jungle terrain that I can expand upon. It's just a possibility at the moment but worth some thought, as it wouldn't be very expensive or time consuming.
If I do decide to go for it, I think it'll need a proper project title, so what better then 'Jungle Green':
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Baltic Coastal Battleships
I am feeling a bit ropey today due to an ongoing ear infection but have been cheered up by the arrival in the post of my latest Tumbling Dice order, together with my laser cut ship bases from Warbases. The latter will allow me to finish basing the flotillas of 1/2400th scale Italian torpedo boats, while also giving me enough 55mm and 60mm bases for future projects.
The Tumbling Dice envelope contained the extra torpedo boats for my Italian fleet together with some French and German coastal battleships of the 1880's. I had been reading about the French plan to deploy shallow draft coastal battleships in the Baltic in case of war with Imperial Germany, so decided to add some to my French pre-dreadnought forces.
This obviously led on to adding a small number of German coastal battleships, the only ones in the Tumbling Dice range being the Siegfried class of six warships. I have three of them now and lovely models they are too, with their distinctive side by side fore turrets and stubby, high sided hulls complete with a fairly steep tumblehome.
I've no idea when I'll get round to painting them but I do think they look splendid!
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Boring Base Texturing
Back to the Baltic
Monday, 26 October 2020
Italian Pre-Dreadnoughts Prepared
Somewhere in a grim, dark, expensive future...
Despite my best efforts to get the boys into historical wargaming, the eldest has now decided that he's going to revive his Warhammer 40K habit, after dropping it a few years ago. He's picking up where he left off with a squad of Crimson Fist space marines, but using the new version of the figures, which are actually really rather good. I've never played 40K and almost certainly never will but it's great to see him doing something vaguely in the wargaming orbit (except for the minor inconvenience caused by him nicking all my tools, paints and brushes!)
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Battle of Angamos Ironclads Assembled
Italian Pre-dreadnoughts
I've nearly completed the assembly stage of the 1/2400th Italian pre-dreadnought project, with only the Enrico Dandolo and a couple of protected cruisers to glue together, before I can sort out the bases. I actually have the Enrico Dandolo already but in its later re-constructed format, so I have a second model on the stocks in the original design. I'm planning to get it all sorted at some point today, given a bit of free time.
Saturday, 24 October 2020
Half Term Holiday Mini-Project
Friday, 23 October 2020
Torpedoes Away!
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56S Class Torpedo Boat |
Ironclads: Pre-Dreadnought Wars
I noticed on the blurb that each of the supplements for Ironclads 1860-1918 contains a version of the core rules, specifically tailored to the particular period in question, so I have ordered a copy of the Pre-dreadnought supplement to test them out. This seemed like a sensible way to get a closer look at the rules without spending too much and will help me to get a move on with the 1/2400th scale French and Italian ships.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
China Station
No prizes for working out what I'm reading now, given my naval wargaming and Victorian science fiction focus. This is actually really riveting stuff, if a bit shameful from a British perspective, although the shoe is now definitely on the other foot. Perfidious Albion at her very worst, no less, but very interesting, well researched and immediately engaging.
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Imperial Chinese Aeronef
Imperial Chinese Cruiser Chen Yuan |
Sunday, 18 October 2020
Italian Weekend
Saturday, 17 October 2020
Ironclads 1860-1918 Rules
Friday, 16 October 2020
15mm Sandbox Skirmish Terrain
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Normal Service Will Be Resumed
Monday, 12 October 2020
One Bullet Away
Sunday, 11 October 2020
1/2400th ACW Riverine Project Finished
Saturday, 10 October 2020
Nautical Nicknacks
Yazoo River Scenario
Friday, 9 October 2020
The Battle of Baton Rouge 1862
The Set Up |
CSS Arkansas |
Opening Shots |
Another Broadside |
Scraping Past |
Ouch! |
Stuck Fast |